Australian Roach

Australian roaches are the most widespread of all outdoor-dwelling roaches in southern Florida. While they are considered a nuisance pest, these roaches rarely infest indoor spaces.  However, just because they are usually found outdoors does not mean they are a harmless pest.

Identifying Australian Cockroaches

Australian roaches range in size from 1 ¼ inch to just under 1 ½ inches long. They are reddish brown with yellow markings on their heads, like many other roach species. The identifying feature that sets them apart from other roaches, however, is the yellow striping that is found on their wings. Australian roaches prefer to nest outdoors, usually seeking out woody places such as firewood piles or under the bark of trees. However, they will occasionally nest indoors.

Do Australian Roaches Cause problems?

Australian roaches range in size from 1 ¼ inch to just under 1 ½ inches long. They are reddish brown with yellow markings on their heads, like many other roach species. The identifying feature that sets them apart from other roaches, however, is the yellow striping that is found on their wings. Australian roaches prefer to nest outdoors, usually seeking out woody places such as firewood piles or under the bark of trees. However, they will occasionally nest indoors.

Seasonality Of Australian Roaches

Like most other roaches, the Australian variety remains active as long as temperatures are warm. With the mild temperatures found in Florida throughout much of the year, this means that these roaches are present all year long.

Australian Cockroach vs. American Cockroach

The Australian cockroach is very often mistaken for the American cockroach, and this is because they both have a reddish-brown color with a yellowish figure eight shape at the back of their heads. However, a few things differentiate these different types of cockroaches.

The Australian cockroach has stripes at the back of its wings, while the American cockroach has smooth wings. American cockroaches are also slightly bigger than Australian ones, reaching around 35 to 54 mm in length. The Australian cockroach staggers between 22 to 34 mm.

Finally, Australian cockroaches are hardly found in the home. They prefer to stay outdoors and get the warmth and light from the sun, unlike their American counterpart that spends most of their life indoors. However, Australian cockroaches can also find their way into your home and stay for some time.

What do Australian Cockroaches Eat?

The Australian cockroach is a scavenger like any other cockroach you’ll find. They can eat anything, including decaying matter. However, one thing that differentiates them from American cockroaches is that they prefer to eat plants whenever they find them.

How to Get Rid of Australian Cockroaches

Like any other cockroach, Australian cockroaches can make their way into your home through cracks, open doors, and gaps. The best way to get rid of them is to find and seal all cracks and entry points to prevent them from coming after extermination. Also, avoid leaving pet food or decaying matter outside.

If you have a garden or a lawn in your yard, you might want to call a professional pest control company to have your garden checked and fumigated against Australian cockroaches, as they are more frequently found around plants.


How long do Australian roaches live?

Australian cockroaches live anywhere from eight to twelve months from the time they become full adults.

Are Australian cockroaches harmful?

Australian cockroaches are not directly harmful since they do not bite or have any dangerous venom. However, they are known to be some of the biggest carriers of harmful and deadly diseases such as the polio virus, salmonella, streptococcus, and staphylococcus.

Can Australian cockroaches fly?

Yes, they can fly very fast. It is assumed that this is because they live outdoors and might need to escape from predators.

How often do Australian cockroaches lay eggs?

Australian cockroaches live around 8 to 12 months and can lay up to 30 oothecae within this period. Each ootheca contains a minimum of 14 to 16 eggs, which will take around 8 to 12 months to become adults and another 8 to 12 months to live and lay more eggs.

Can I get rid of Australian cockroaches myself?

It is possible to get rid of Australian cockroaches yourself. However, your chances of ridding your home of these pesky large pests are low because you will have to trace and find all the cracks and openings, locate all the oothecae and nymphs, and also find the best treatment method. Letting an expert handle the job for you is best as you are assured of a clean and thorough job. Experts will also come for regular inspections to ensure that no traces of these cockroaches are left.

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