Tick Identification Database
Ticks can be very harmful to your health. Some ticks can transmit lime disease. Understanding if a tick is a deer tick, american dog tick, gulf coast tick, lone star tick or brown dog tick is very important. In this database, we’ll give you the tools that you need. Taking action if you are bit by a deer tick is very important. Find answers here and scroll to the bottom for our full database!
Different Types Of Ticks
In this database, we’ll show you how to identify different cockroaches and go over the different species of cockroaches. We will also show you the different harms or benefits to these types of pests.
Ticks are a problem for people and pets alike. These blood-suckers are well-known for spreading disease to animals and humans. The best treatment is avoidance when it comes to tick bites.
How to Identify Ticks
Ticks have six legs in their larval stage and either six or eight (depending on species) at maturity. Their color varies by species but is often reddish brown to dark brown. They are small even when fully grown, about the size of a sunflower seed or smaller. They will swell after a blood meal but even then are not very large. Often found in tall grasses and wooded areas, ticks are excellent at hitching rides on fur and clothing until they can find flesh.
Problems Caused By Ticks
Besides an itchy red bump, ticks can cause serious health problems. Lyme Disease is one of the most prevalent tick-borne diseases and it can leave a person with life-long health problems. This disease has been spreading rampantly from the Northeast to the rest of the country. There are a host of other diseases spread by ticks like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tick-borne relapsing fever, babesiosis, tularemia, ehrlichiosis and many more. Fever, chills, rashes and pain are frequent symptoms of tick-borne diseases.
Ticks Are Bad For Pets Also
Ticks are found year-round, in every part of the U.S. An infected deer tick can spread Lyme disease to your dog within 24-48 hours, with potentially fatal results.
Seasonality Of Ticks
Ticks are most common from spring to fall but can be active all year where temperatures don’t often fall to freezing. In particular, Florida is seeing more and more ticks because of seasonality that is condusive. It still isn’t as bad as the Northeast, but it’s still something to watch out for.