Pharaoh Ant Information
The pharaoh ant, named for the incorrect belief that they were one of the insects to plague ancient Egypt, are a some of the biggest nuisance pests there are. In fact, they’re not just a nuisance – they can be deadly.
How to Identify Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh ants are very small; about 1/8” in length. They are pale yellow in color, and may have black or red marks along their abdomen. Many people believe that the Pharaoh ant is the most difficult ant to manage.
Location and Behavior Patterns:
Pharaoh ants are very interesting because that react to ant bait differently than most other ants. If Pharaoh ants bring bait back to the nest for other ants to eat, then many of the ants will leave the nest and create a new one. If this happens over and over again, then the ant infestation can actually grow, instead of diminish.
Problems they Cause
When Pharaoh ants are creating a nest, they will look for protection as their number one priority. They may be found around a water source, such as in a bathroom or a kitchen, but they may also be found in a hollow, safe place, such as in curtain rods, behind baseboards, in folds of clothing, inside cabinets, or some other similar space. While pharaoh ants are equipped with a stinger, this is usually the least of concerns when it comes to this species. The pharaoh ant is notorious for being a disease transmitter, as they regularly infest homes and other structures, including grocery stores, restaurants, and hospitals. These ants are associated with spreading salmonella and other bacteria, and they have even been known to enter the wounds of patients in hospitals.
Like most other ant species in Florida, the pharaoh ant is active throughout the year.
Treatment For Pharaoh Ants:
Treatment for the Pharaoh ant is an ongoing process. Detection and identification by a professional are very important because a special ant bait will be needed, in order to deal with an infestation of Pharaoh ants. The ant bait, that is best, is one that they will feed on over an extended amount of time, thus carrying the poison to the nest(s), and eventually will be consumed by all worker ants and the queen ants, too.