Dollar Spot Fungus Information
Dollar Spot fungus appears as small patches, or round clusters, of tan, yellow, or brown grass that are seen along the surface of the lawn. The patches may be about the size of a quarter coin or the size of a fifty-cent piece coin. This type of fungus is especially common on golf course turf, but can affect many other types of grasses, too.
Location and Behavior Patterns:
Dollar Spot fungus tends to grow from late Spring through the Summer season. It thrives in warm temperatures and high humidity. Moisture helps aid the growth of this fungus. This type of fungus is originated from Clarireedia homoeocarpa. It is a fungus that tends to stay along the surface of the lawn, and does not affect the roots of the grass blades.
Dollar Spot fungus is easily spread around the lawn by people who walk through the fungus, or by wind, mowers, rain, or other similar forms of transportation. Unless treated promptly, the Dollar Spot fungus can spread easily across the expanse of the yard.
Maintaining a healthy lawn is one way to prevent this type of fungus from growing. Once discovered and diagnosed, though, Dollar Spot fungus can be treated with fungicides.