University of Florida Documents Super Termite
A potential threat to Florida homeowners
University of Florida researchers have successfully paired two destructive termite species, the Asian & Formosan Termite. Both species are the most destructive termites in the world. Between Asian Termites and Formosan Termites, they cost property owners over $40 billion every year throughout the world. These termites have only been found in Taiwan, Hawaii, and not Florida.
Termite protection for your home is more important than ever due to these new termites. With our Termite Baiting System, you can rest assured that your home will be 100% protected from Eastern Termites, Asian Termites, Formosan Termites, and now the Super Termite.
Thomas Chouvenc, a researcher and entomologist for the University of Florida warns that we may have a super termite threat in our near future. While Dr. Chouvenc was out collecting specimens for his termite research, he caught both of these termites in the exact same location. What makes this so important is that it was believed that Asian and Formosan termites had different mating seasons. It was very odd that they would swarm together. Dr. Chovenc brought the termites back to the lab for further study. This is where he found that a male Asian subterranean termites are highly attracted to female Formosan subterranean termites. If the male Asian termite is given a choice, it will choose to mate with the Formosan termite female every time! The offspring that they produce is much hardier and much more destructive than their parents or any other termite. They have found that the Super Termite is twice as destructive as Asian and Formosan termites!
Florida Environmental Pest Management “Where The Grass Is Always Greener”
Not only do these Super Termites cause approximately double the damage of their parents, they breed much more quickly than them as well. Research shows that the hybrid termite colonies can product offspring at 20-200 percent faster than the Asian termite or Formosan termite species. This is around double the amount of termites per colony!
We are still not sure if the new hybrids will be able to reproduce or create new colonies on their own, but since termite colonies can live for over 20 years, hybrids reproducing on their own is very possible. Click Here To Schedule Termite Prevention Today!
What To Do If You See Termite Swarmers At Your Home?
Call Florida Environmental!
When termite swarmers are found on your property in South Florida, whether they are super termites or any other species, it is imperative that your home or business is protected. Florida Environmental will take care of your all of your Termite Control needs for a fair price. Guaranteed!
Termite Swarmers in your home?
- Collect as many swarmers (flying bugs) as you can. Gently pick them up with a net and place them in a zip loc bag.
- Shoot us a photo or call us to set up a time to properly identify what you have collected.
- We will properly identify what termites you have and set you up with the most sensible plan for your property.
- Relax. With Florida Environmental, you won’t have to worry about termites damaging your home.
Why Trust Florida Environmental For Your Pest Control and Termite Control?
- We are a family owned and operated business. The owners personally deal with every aspect of the business on a daily basis to ensure that our quality is the best in the industry.
- We have multiple Certified Operators on Staff in all categories. Pest Control, Termite Control & Other WDO’s, Lawn & Ornamental, and Fumigation.
- We have over 200 five star reviews.
- We constantly are updating our methods and products to ensure we are using the most cutting edge materials while being the most environmentally conscious pest control company in South Florida.