Fall Armyworm Information
The larvae stage of the adult Armyworm moth, is a Fall Armyworm that is typically 1”-2” in length. They are light in color, usually light tan, green, or gray, and they have dark blackish-brown heads. They may have yellow coloring on their head area, too. They also have small black dots that are spotted down the length of their bodies. The name “Armyworm” derives from their significant invasive behavior, as they feed on plants and grasses in particularly large numbers, all at the same time.

Location and Behavior Patterns:
Fall Armyworms are most active from Spring to Fall. The eggs, that are often placed on the underside of a leaf, will hatch, and the larvae will feed on the leaf, or leaves, in the immediate area. They can do significant damage to the plant in a very short amount of time. Fall Armyworms are particularly attracted to St. Augustine grass, but will feed on a variety of other plants, shrubs, and grasses. Mature Armyworms and many others are quick movers and can completely strip a plant in a short amount of time, if they are all working simultaneously.
If you spot a brown section of grass in your yard, or if your plants/shrubs are looking sparse, then you may have an infestation of Fall Armyworms.
Insecticides are effective, when treating for Fall Armyworms. Your pest control specialist has the equipment and the insecticides that will help to rid your property of this plant-destructive pest.