Bed bug bites last for about two weeks. If you are sensitive to bed bug bites, it may take up to three weeks for your skin to heal. Although the time it takes for bed bug bites to go away varies from person to person, the bites are not usually a cause for concern. The healing process can be accelerated by applying a soothing cream or ointment or by taking an antihistamine in the case of a mild allergic reaction. If the bites do not disappear within three weeks, you should consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor. 


What Does A Bed Bug Bite Look Like?

It is important to know how to distinguish between other kinds of bug bites and bed bug bites so you can apply or receive proper treatment. If you have been bitten by a bed bug, you will see multiple bites spaced closely together, unlike other bug bites. Bed bug bites look like small red bumps or small welts and are usually less than an inch in diameter. There will be multiple bites in lines, circle-like clusters, or long zig-zag patterns. 


In the case of an infection or allergic reaction, bed bug bites can swell up to two inches in diameter and blister with pockets of fluid. What bed bug bites look like can vary depending on the sensitivity of the person. They may appear as small raised red dots, bumps, hive-like clusters, or a full-blown red rash with blisters. In the case of an infection or allergic reaction, bed bug bites can swell up to two inches in diameter and blister with pockets of fluid. 

Here Is Where Bed Bug Bites Usually Appear

Bed bug bites tend to appear on the face and neck, though they can also appear on your hands, arms, and legs. Bed bugs come out at night and will bite exposed skin first, making it less likely that they will feed on areas that are covered by clothing. Bed bugs are insidious, however, and can also crawl under pajamas and bedclothes. The appearance of the bites is more important than where they are located, but if you are concerned about a bed bug problem you should check your face and neck first. 

bed bug bite treatment

Treatment Options For Bed Bug Bites

The length of time it takes to heal will vary depending on your level of sensitivity and the treatment you choose, though you should be able to get relief within a few hours. Here are a few bed bug bite treatment options: 


  • Wash the bitten area with warm water and soap to prevent infection
  • Apply an ice pack to the bitten area to reduce swelling and itchiness
  • Take a prescribed oral antihistamine or anti-inflammatory
  • Apply a prescribed topical antihistamine cream to reduce swelling and irritation
  • Apply hydrocortisone cream to stop itching 
  • Apply calamine lotion to dry out the bites and reduce itching 


When You Experience An Allergic Reaction To A Bed Bug Bite

Some symptoms of allergic reaction to bed bug bites include:


  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Panting or shortness of breath
  • Lightheadedness 
  • Nausea 
  • Swollen tongue


If you are having difficulty breathing, seek medical attention right away. You may be having an anaphylactic reaction to the saliva in bed bug bites. Call 911 if you require immediate medical attention and use an epi-pen if you have one nearby. 


Although there is no confirmed risk of disease with bed bug bites, the bites can become infected unless they are treated properly. For less severe reactions, schedule an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe an antihistamine or an anti-inflammatory drug that will help you heal faster. Although there is no confirmed risk of disease with bed bug bites, the bites can become infected unless they are treated properly. 


How We Can Help You

Once you’ve treated your bed bug bites, it’s time to take action. Bed bug bites are a sure sign of a bed bug infestation in your home, which must be dealt with by a pest control professional to prevent an ongoing problem. We can help you with treatment options for your mattress, bedroom, and all areas of your home to ensure that bed-bug bites are a thing of the past. Reach out to us today to find out more about our professional pest control services and how to protect yourself and your home from bed bugs.