Whether it’s for warmth, shelter, or food, your home looks like the ideal place for rodents. That’s why they’re attracted to houses. However, alongside professional removal tactics, you can take action to keep them out of your home. Here’s how you can help our pest control in West Palm Beach FL be even more effective:
Seal Cracks & Crevices
You’d be surprised at the little spaces mice and rats can get themselves into. So, you need to seal up cracks and crevices throughout your home to keep them from getting in. Pay extra attention to the exterior of your home where there is shrubbery, as well as your ground-level areas.
Watch Your Landscaping
Rodents can hide in trees and within your landscaping. You can prevent the gathering of mice by keeping shrubbery and trees a clear distance away from the side of your home.
Clean Regularly
Cleaning regularly is essential for so much more than just keeping rodents out. However, if you have crumbs on the floor or countertops, as well as have clutter including cardboard boxes, mice and rats can make themselves right at home. If you do have cardboard boxes, be sure to elevate them.
Don’t Leave Food Out
In case you didn’t know, mice and rats like a lot more than just cheese. So, when you leave food out in your home or don’t cover your trashcan, they will find their way in for a snack. Just be sure to clean up after yourself!
Are You in Need of Pest Control in West Palm Beach FL?
Stake claim over your home! Our pest control in West Palm Beach FL includes ongoing deterrents and can teach you how to keep pests at bay. So, contact us today to learn more about how our services can help you.